
Tools For Professionals

Our Films, Curriculums, & Supportive Materials to Use
in Therapy, Class, Training, & More.


Of Substance
Professional Tools Portal.

Are you a treatment professional who’d like to use our films and support materials to enhance engagement and expedite progress with your clients and patients?

Access the entire Of Substance film collection with professional materials at your fingertips!


Of Substance films create an instantaneous emotional experience, which is how we best learn and spark the intrinsic motivation needed to grow.



Access our full library of films and other support materials to use with your clients one-on-one, in groups, and more.

Simply spice up your sessions by showing films or be more intentional. It’s up to you!



Our tools have shown to drastically increase client engagement & enjoyment while expediting progress in any program, as well as;


  • Sense of Belonging, Acceptance, and Understanding

  • Ability to create deeper connections

  • Sense of self & empowerment

  • The practices of courage & vulnerability


  • Shame, blame, fear, insecurity, anger


Treatment Agnostic:
Successful in all modalities.

Our films and materials do not promote any one form of treatment or avenue for recovery.
We believe that our relationships with the world around us are contingent on our relationship with ourselves.

Of Substance is fully committed to improving the way we feel about ourselves — diminishing shame and improving our mindset — in order to face life, the world, and all struggles with less fear and more wonder.

What Professionals Are Saying…

Clients & Patients Love It.