
Turning premium short films
into powerful tools of transformation.

Imagine a World Where…
We all feel Seen, Heard, and Loved,
You enter every room knowing that you are already Enough,
And Movies are our most powerful tool for Healing & Growth.

An Innovative Nonprofit…

Revolutionizing Prevention, Education, Treatment & Support For All Those Facing Addiction, Mental Health, & Trauma… One Film at a Time!

 It's about WHY...

Our underlying issue is not Using substances, but WHY we use substances. It’s about shame, a fear of not belonging, and a fear of not being good enough. But this isn’t unique to addiction, it’s just part of being human.

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We’ve turned movies into approachable and captivating tools with the sole purpose to reduce shame, improve mindset, and abolish stigma for millions at a time.

See for Yourself.

We use movies - from “mini” romantic comedies to thrillers - to create an inescapable emotional experience, which is how we learn best and create the intrinsic motivation to grow.

But instead of telling you, let us show you.

Take just a couple of minutes to watch our featured film of the month.

Sign Up to watch all our films FREE here…

Our Newest Film:

On the surface, Hide Your Crazy is a wickedly entertaining monster movie full of humor, horror, and heart.
BUT underneath, it’s about the shame we all experience, our fears of not being accepted and understood, and our belief that we’re not good enough.

Hide Your Crazy is already being accepted by film festivals!!!

Check Out What’s Happening.

Real Stories of Our Impact.